Institute of Public

Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a leading Polish think tank and an independent centre for policy research and analysis, established in 1995. Our mission is to contribute to informed public debate on key Polish, European and global policy issues. Our main areas of study include European policy, social policy, civil society, migration and development policy as well as law and democratic institutions.

The IPA has a team of in-house researchers/policy analysts and an extensive network of associate experts from academia and other paths of life. We publish the results of our projects in research reports, policy papers and books, which are broadly disseminated among members of parliament, government officials and civil servants, academics, journalists and civil society activists. Every year the iPA hosts dozens of conferences, seminars, round tables, workshops and other events with the participation of key policy and opinion makers. Our experts regularly comment on current policy issues in printed and electronic media.

Our mission

To elevate the quality of Polish and European public debate, to make it merit-oriented and focused on problem-solving and knowledge-building
To initiate new topics of public debate and popularise innovative approaches to public issues
To develop mechanisms that aim to engage individual citizens and groups of citizens in public debate and other forms of active participation in public life
To enhance the quality of public policy in Poland through initiating legal and institutional changes

Our vision

Citizens: well-educated, aware of their rights and duties, having a sense of shared responsibility and involved in public life
Polish society: open (tolerant, inclusive), active, unifiable, affluent and European
The Polish state: democratic, deliberative, law-abiding, modern, efficient, able to set short and long term objectives, citizen-oriented, partner-like, transparent, active, accountable before the international community
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