The REJEnerAXion project aims to analyse and strengthen the role of innovative industrial relations structures, including social dialogue, to respond in a socially fair and balanced way to the main challenges and opportunities offered by a clean-energy transition at national and European levels.
In particular, the project intends:
i) to study the transformations taking place in the energy sector oriented towards clean energy and sustainability and their impacts for working conditions and quality-of-work issues, employment structures, sectoral, territorial and regional, and socio-environmental levels;
ii) to increase expertise on these topics of the social partners and concerned stakeholders through the analysis and exchange of experiences and best practices of industrial relations and social dialogue for a just energy transition at national and European level, identifying convergences and divergences, as well as drivers and barriers in the European Member States involved in the project;
iii) to identify practical recommendations for addressing the challenges of the clean-energy transition for Europe and to strengthen the role and contribution of industrial relations systems and social dialogue for a just transition to green energy at national and European level.
Implementation period: September 2022 – August 2024
The project will focus on eight countries to compare experiences and trends from North, South, Central and Eastern Europe: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, and to have a transnational dimension balanced between old and new member states and different industrial relations systems.
The project will involve a desk research, interviews with stakeholders and sectoral case studies (gas, coal and oil). The research results and good practices will be shared during transnational workshops and the final conference. The research findings will be disseminated through a book containing national baseline reports as well as a comparative report. In addition, a toolkit will be published for supporting professional conversions, i.e. developing alternative career possibilities and for adaptation of educational and vocational training systems. The project results will also be disseminated through a project website, videos and social media.
Project consortium:
Fondazione Di Vittorio-FDV, Italy (co-ordinator)
Insitute of Public Affairs, Poland
Association travail emploi Europe société-ASTREES, France
Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), Slovakia and Hungary
Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Chimica Tessile Energia Manifatturo –FILCTEM CGIL, Italy
Fundacion 1° de Mayo, Hiszpania
Université de Liège –LENTIC Research Center in New Ways of Working, Innovation and Change, Belgium
Associated partners:
Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro –CGIL, Italy
Ecoserveis, Spain
EPSU - European Federation of Public Service Unions
ETUI -European Trade Union Institute
The project is co-financed by the European Union