Decent workers’ involvement in activities at company level to implement the European Green Deal will put the European metal sector on a new path of inclusive and sustainable development.

In order to be active and effective in implementing the European Green Deal in a socially responsible manner, social partners need to acquire knowledge about the various environmental aspects and the just transition aims in the metal sector, as well as the basics of eco-management and effective lobbying methods. The acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for increasing the involvement of workers in company level activities to implement the European Green Deal.
The objectives of the project Let's get green! Social partners' joint action to enhance worker involvement in company-level implementation of the European Green Deal are:
- to equip employers' and workers' representatives with the necessary knowledge to enable participatory implementation of the European Green Deal at company level;
- develop a strategic approach for increased employee involvement in implementing the European Green Deal in companies in the steel and metal industry.
The project activities are:
- development of an e-learning tool, preceded by an evaluation of training needs through a survey and a focus group interview
- development of guidelines for action at the enterprise level - including workshops with representatives of employees and employers of the metal sector
- implementation and dissemination of the guidelines through:
• an implementation seminar with worker and employer representatives as well as the EU level policy makers
• establishment of a European Network of Green Deal Advisers for the metal sector
• publication of FAQs on effective employee involvement within companies to implement the European Green Deal.
The project is implemented in Poland, Spain, Portugal Croatia and Serbia by a partnership of the following organizations:
• Federation of Metalworkers' and Steelworkers' Trade Unions in Poland (FZZMiH) (leader)
• Institute of Public Affairs Foundation (Poland)
• Sindikat Metalaca Hrvatse-industrijski Sindikat (Croatia)
• Fiequimetal - Federacao Intersindical das Industrias Metalurgicas, Qimicas, Electricas, Farmaceutica, Celulose, Papel, Grafica, Imprensa, Ene (Portugal)
• Unia Poslodavaca Vojvodine (Serbia)
• All-Poland Convention of Employment Agencies (Poland)
The Institute of Public Affairs is responsible for the development of the e-learning tool and co-development of guidelines for action at company level.
Project duration: March 2021 - December 2022
The project is co-financed with funds from the European Union.