Workshop on organizing advocacy campaigns, Kraków 27-29.11.2023
"Organizing Campaigns for Collective Action" is the third training organized as part of The Central Europe Civic Engagement Project (CECEP), which is the result of cooperation between IPA and the National Democratic Institute.
This time, during the meeting in Krakow, training participants had the opportunity to learn about the process of organizing social and advocacy campaigns using tools such as powermapping and theory of change. Coalitions of civic organizations from Poland participating in the workshops had the opportunity to present their ideas for activities, design an outline of the campaign and exchange ideas with other organizations.
The training was conducted by Lex Paulson, an expert in conducting advocacy campaigns and projects regarding democratic innovations, whose portfolio includes cooperation with, among others, Barack Obama or Emmanuel Marcon.
During the workshop, our Institute was represented by: CECEP project's coordinator Sonia Horonziak, ISP executive director Danuta Pławecka and head of the publication and promotion department Rafał Załęski.
Central Europe Civic Engagement Program (CECEP) is a project funded by USAID - the United States Agency for International Development, which supports citizen engagement in public affairs through advocacy on issues of citizen concern. CECEP is implemented as part of a partnership between the National Demoractic Institute, DemNet in Hungary and the Institute of Public Affairs in Poland.
In 2023/2024, as part of the project, we are cooperating with five coalitions of civic organizations in Poland: Rescue Action for Krakow (Akcja Ratunkowa dla Krakowa), SOS for Education (SOS dla Edukacji), Our Ombudsman Initiative (Inicjatywa "Nasz Rzecznik"), Save the Rivers Coalition (Koalicja Ratujmy Rzeki), Łódź of Diversity (Łódź Róźnorodności).