Joint initiatives of social partners and public institutions (e.g. labour inspections) in enforcing regulations aiming at counteracting violation of employee rights is a new and rare approach in Europe in eliminating fraudulent practices on the labour market.
The next step in the international SPLIN project was to present the results of comparative research in the field of joint enforcement initiatives in the construction and maritime transport sector aimed at eliminating fraudulent practices on the labour market. Representatives of research centres from Austria, Finland, Spain and Poland discussed the preliminary conclusions of the study. The final report will be published in autumn.
During the meeting, partners developed also a concept of the Transferability workshop which aims at transferring experiences in the enforcing actions in the construction sector to other sectors in the partner countries. These workshops will provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion and interactive exchange of experience / good practices between stakeholders from two sectors: construction sector and other sector selected in each of the partner countries.
In Poland, the study concerned three agreements concluded between employers and unions supported also by the National Labour Inspectorate:
• The Agreement for Safety in Construction sector (2010)
• The Agreement on Minimum Wages in Construction sector (2014 and yearly renewed and updated);
• The Agreement for Occupational Safety at the Operation of Cranes (2017)
The Transferability workshop in Poland will be organized to transmit solutions to the wood production sector due to its similar characteristics: a high proportion of accidents at work, abuse of self-employment and civil law contracts, and a large share of migrant workers. Workshops are planned to take place early autumn (if the pandemic conditions will allow).
The meeting was attended via teleconference by Małgorzata Koziarek, Dominik Owczarek and Barbara Surdykowska form the IPA’s project team.
More on the project:
The project is co-financed from the European Union Funds, budget heading ‘Improving Expertise in the field of Industrial Relations’.