December 07 18:00

Poland as a country of social justice

Conference Centre of the Polish Press Agency, 6/8 Bracka Str., Warsaw

Poland is catching up. This is reflected not only in unprecedented GDP growth – the largest among post-socialist countries since 1989 – but also in significant reduction of poverty in recent years and in historically low unemployment registered this year. This clear improvement, however, does not affect everyone equally and there are still many groups left behind that do not benefit from this impressive growth. Many emigrate abroad in search of better prospects.

In this light a question arises: is Poland caching up also in terms of social standards? And more broadly: is Poland a country of social justice? Or rather socially just country in spe?

As reference point for this heated debate conducted in Poland since the commence of transformation in 1989, let’s take the Social Justice Index and the Reform Barometer, which have been developed by the Bertelsmann Stiftung in order to measure the status of social inclusion and social policy reforms in the EU 28. How does Poland perform compared to other EU member states in terms of poverty prevention, access to labour market, equitable education, social cohesion and equality, intergenerational justice and health?

The debate will be preceded with presentation of the recent research results in the area of poverty prevention and access to labour market in Poland included in report prepared by Prof. Christian Keuschnigg (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) and Dominik Owczarek (Institute of Public Affairs).

The Social Justice Index and Reform Barometer concepts will be presented by Dr. Thorsten Hellmann from the Bertelsmann Stiftung.

- Irena Wóycicka – former Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the President
- Janina Petelczyc – Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw
- Piotr Szumlewicz – All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions
- Jeremi Mordasewicz – The Confederation Lewiatan
Polish-English translation of the panel discussion will be provided.

We kindly invite participants to a reception after the debate.

The debate is organised by the Institute of Public Affairs in partnership with the Bertelsmann Foundation.
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