Celem Forum jest wymiana doświadczeń Polski i krajów nordyckich w dziedzinie pomocy rozwojowej i wsparcia dla procesów demokratyzacyjnych w krajach Europy Wschodniej oraz określenie szans na wzmocnienie współpracy w tym zakresie.
Termin realizacji:
Polish-Nordic Forum: Prospects for Democracy in Eastern Europe
10th June 2010, Representation of the European Commission, Warsaw
Jacek Kucharczyk, President of the Executive Board, Institute of Public Affairs
Filip Skawiński, Policy Analyst, the European Commission Representation in Poland
Key note speeches:
Nina Vaskunlahti, Director General of the Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Douglas Wake, Deputy Director, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Panel I - Are our values really shared? The role of democracy and human rights in political dialogue with Eastern Europe
Aleksander Milinkiewicz, Leader of the Movement for Freedom, Belarus
Riina Kionka, Personal Representative of the High Representative on Human Rights, EU Council Secretariat
Olav Berstad, Ambassador of Norway to Ukraine and Belarus
Maria Leissner, Ambassador for Democracy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden
Kimmo Kiljunen, Member of Parliament, Finnish Delegation to OSCE
Moderator: Jacek Kucharczyk, Institute of Public Affairs
Panel II - Do our assistance programmes and policies really influence the prodemocratic developments in Eastern Europe? Priorities, instruments and achievements of the programmes realised in Eastern Europe
Michael Possmayer, Representative of Danish Refugee Council in Georgia
Sinikukka Saari, Researcher, The Finish Institute of International Affairs
Gunnar Ekeløve Slydal, Assistant Secretary General, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee
Mads Meinert, Trust Fund Coordinator, Nordic Council of Ministers
Moderator: Jeff Lovitt, Executive Director, PASOS
![]() | Keynote speech of Douglas Wake |