PASOS ogłosił nabór na stypendia Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Programme. Instytut Spraw Publicznych jest partnerem programu. Stypendium jest skierowane do pracowników organizacji pozarządowych z krajów należących do Wspólnoty Niepodległych Państw.
Informacje na temat Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship w języku angielskim:
The Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Programme will assist the advancement of democratic practices in
transitional democracies by empowering professionals of independent democracy and human rights
advocacy NGOs and think-tanks from the CIS region. Fellows from the CIS region will gain expertise from
well-established independent think tanks in the EU with experience of democratic transformation and
protection of human rights.
The programme will provide mentoring and networking opportunities for five fellows from the CIS countries
with the aim to gain practical skills, interact with other researchers, and exchange practices with wellestablished
think-tanks and NGOs in the EU. The fellowships should focus on specific democratic transformation issues (e.g. media freedom, constitutional law, parliamentary democracy, judiciary, public opinion research, electoral processes, free and fair elections, building democratic awareness among the general public, etc.)
Deadline for applications:
Midnight, Central European Time (CET), Friday 2 September 2011
Each fellow will receive up to a maximum of US$ 3,600 in expenses, covering international and local travel, visa costs where necessary, and subsistence and accommodation for the five weeks spent at the host organisation.
Each host organisation will receive US$ 2,500 in mentoring fees and US$ 500 in overhead costs for hosting the fellow. These fees are inclusive of all taxes.
The programme will provide mentoring and networking opportunities for five fellows from the CIS countries with the aim to gain practical skills, interact with other researchers, and exchange practices with well-established think-tanks and NGOs in the EU. The fellowships should focus on specific democratic transformation issues (e.g. media freedom, constitutional law, parliamentary democracy, judiciary, public opinion research, electoral processes, free and fair elections, building democratic awareness among the general public, etc.)
Eligibility criteria
Applications are invited from researchers/policy analysts/professional staff, who are full-time employees of independent think-tanks, policy institutes, and democracy and human rights advocacy NGOs in CIS countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan). Applicants should be citizens of one of the 12 eligible countries.
Fellows will work with the hosting institute for a six-month period or project co-operation and mentoring, and spend up to five weeks in the office of the hosting think-tank. Fellowships will also provide one-on-one, hands-on training with the host institute’s expert as mentor. The goal is to provide a mentoring opportunity for an in-depth, on-site, and interactive experience in democratic transformation and protection of human rights.
Research project
The fellowship should comprise:
1. A research project with a thematic focus related to democratic transformation issues (e.g. media freedom, constitutional law, parliamentary democracy, judiciary, public opinion research, electoral processes, free and fair elections, building democratic awareness among the general public, etc.)
2. A visit to a hosting think-tank in an EU member-state (including new EU member-states).
Further information:
Ilko Kucheriv Democracy Fellowship Call (PDF)