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Pole Position: The Polish Presidency of the EU Council - Nowy tekst Agnieszki Łady i Jacka Kucharczyka

Agnieszka Łada i Jacek Kucharczyk podsumowują polską prezydencję na stronie brukselskiego biura fundacji Heinricha Boella.

The Polish Presidency of the EU Council started with  high expectations on the part of other Member States and EU officials. At the outset of its Presidency, Poland enjoyed a good reputation because of its economic performance during the crisis (in 2009 Poland was the only country in the EU to achieve economic growth) and also because of its very pro-European society (over 80% of the Poles support their country’s membership in the EU and two thirds believe that this membership is something good). The government in Warsaw was perceived as well prepared for the task of pushing the EU agenda forward...

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