Eksperci ISP komentują polskie wybory samorządowe w światowych mediach

Instytut Spraw Publicznych

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Eksperci ISP komentują polskie wybory samorządowe w światowych mediach

El Pais
Las ciudades polacas contienen en las urnas el avance del Gobierno ultranacionalista

Jacek Kucharczyk: "El PiS ha conquistado al electorado del este del país, que es justo más pobre, rural y donde la iglesia católica tiene una influencia enorme" >>>.

The Atlantic
An Election in Poland’s Capital Could Shape the Future of Populism

Jacek Kucharczyk: "Warsaw is a kind of laboratory in which PiS tries to replicate its success" >>>

Associated Press 
Poland’s ruling populists see power, appeal checked

Jacek Kucharczyk: "The party has lost voters in comparison to 2015 despite the fact that it turned public media into a propaganda mouthpiece" >>>

The Guardian
Poland's first openly gay politician says progressives can win

Filip Pazderski: "People are fed up with the old political actors" >>>

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