"Women in Polish foreign policy" is a project aimed at examining the situation of women in the area of foreign policy in Poland.
The thirty years of socio-demographic changes in Poland, including the independent foreign policy, prompts the question of who and how shaping this policy. One of the issues discussed so far is the issue of the presence of women in foreign policy and their role, that is why the project aims to determine how strong is the representation of women in positions that influence the shaping of Polish foreign policy and how strong this influence is. Until now, only one woman has held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs until 1989, but in many governments women held the positions of Secretaries of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Danuta Huebner was a key figure during negotiations on Poland's accession to the European Union. Some Polish Members of the European Parliament, such as Róża Thun, are also known. The woman is the Polish commissioner in the European Commission. However, shaping Polish foreign policy goes beyond pure diplomacy and holding the highest positions. Also, experts and journalists influence the image and activity of Poland abroad. Therefore, in the project, we will also look at their representations and possibilities of influence.
The project consists of two parts: a quantitative research that will determine the number of women holding important positions in the area of Polish foreign policy and interviews. There will be 25 individual in-depth interviews with women representing the following groups: politicians, diplomats and civil servants, experts and journalists.
The conclusions from the research will be presented in the research report and discussed during the debate in the first quarter of 2019.
Project duration: November 2018 - March 2019
The project is implemented jointly by the European Program and the Gender Equality Observatory of ISP.
The study is conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.