Let Us Participate!
The main aim of the project ‘Let Us Participate! Cross-border reorganization and the future of employee involvement in corporate governance’ is to increase employees’ involvement in participation related to processes of transnational reorganisation of companies such as mergers, divisions and relocation. The means of achieving this goal will be:
• disseminating knowledge regarding EU law and shaping awareness of employees' rights, in particular those related to access to information, consultation and participation,
• strengthening international cooperation between the employers' and employees' representatives,
• development of the most important institutions of employee participation at the transnational level, such as European Works Councils (EWCs) or board-level employee representation.
The project involves a number of activities addressed to social partners and employees involved in the EWC and sitting on the management bodies of the international companies. These will primarily be workshops organized in various partner countries, during which solutions, recommendations and an action plan will be developed to strengthen employee participation in the conditions of globalisation.
Project duration : February 2020 – October 2022
Organisations participating in the project:
• Confederazione Generale dei Sindacati Autonomi dei Lavoratori (CONFSAL) (Italy) - leader
• Federaciòn De Trabajadores Independientes del Comercio (FETICO) (Spain)
• Business Confederation of Macedonia (BCM) (Republic of North Macedonia)
• Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) (Poland)
• Federation of the Metal Workers and Steelworkers (FZZMiH) (Poland)
• Forum for International Cooperation (FIC) (Denmark)
Associate partners:
• Uniunea Sindicala Teritoriala – Filiala Brasov a Confederatiei Nationale Sindicale Cartel Alfa – Cartel Alfa Brasov (Romania)
• Samostoen Sindikat na Robotnicite od Energetika, Rudarstvo I Industrija na R. Makedonija (SSERI) (Republic of North Macedonia)
• European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) (Belgium)
• Asociaciòn Industrial Técnica y de Comercio (ASITECO) (Spain)
The project is co-financed from the European Union Funds, budget heading ‘Improving Expertise in the field of Industrial Relations’.