The goal of the project is to strengthen information, consultation and employee participation to better understand, anticipate and manage, in particular an inclusive and fair digital transformation of oil, gas and coal mining and supply companies.

The Project „Industry 4.0: Strategic employee involvement in digital transformation of oil, gas and coal mining and supply companies“ focuses on 8 countries: Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, N. Macedonia, Spain, and Portugal.
It seeks to achieve the following specific objectives:
1. Analysing how oil, gas and coal workforces are adapting to Industry 4.0 and what best practice techniques are being adopted.
2. Improving capacities of social partners to understand, anticipate, manage and monitor digitally driven changes in the companies and monitor these effects on employment, job requirements and working condition and Facilitating new initiatives for better information and consultation practices among trade unions and employers with broader engagement of trade unions in decision making which address digitally driven changes
3. Raising awareness of workers, union members, companies and their representatives how to be informed, consulted and engaged in digital transformation of sector companies.
Implementation period: August 2022 – April 2024
Project activities: • Desk-research and interviews in companies operating in the project-covered countries and at the European level, data analysis, development of national and comparative reports,
• An international expert workshop to discuss the findings and discuss actions that can be performed in the short term and medium term both by trade unions and employer organizations to support workers and businesses. The meeting was held on-line on 12th June 2023. It brought together all the organisations participating in the project,
• Two European training workshops to raise awareness and build skills and competencies of social partners on anticipation and management of digitally driven changes in their companies in terms of Digital Single Market Strategy, impact of digitalisation of employment, job requirements, working condition and employee involvement,
• National workshops to negotiate new strategic aspects adopted at the EU workshops with employers and trade unions and reach agreement on their co-operation in this respect.
• Manuals for social partners explaining how to get involved in digital transformation of companies,
• Dissemination activities, including development of a website, videos and leaflets.
Project consortium: OZZGNIG Poland - Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa (co-ordinator)
Partners: BSW Germany - Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft
Institute of Public Affairs, Poland
FNSM (Federation of Independent Miners Trade Unions), Bulgaria
SSRES (Autonomous Trade Union of Energy Workers of Serbia)
RUZ (Republiková únia zamestnávateľov), Slovakia
SSERI (Independent Trade Union of Energy, Miners and Industry of Macedonia), North Macedonia
The project is co-financed by the European Union