The project aims to improve the efficiency of the employee representation system by promoting knowledge of European Works Councils (EWCs), the specificity of this institution and good practices related to its application in the transnational enterprises. The implementation of these goals will be fostered by the dissemination of knowledge about EU regulations among trade union representatives and by actively encouraging their closer cooperation with partners from other countries. This, in turn, will contribute to the unification of the employee's position on key issues related to the functioning of multinational corporations.
The project puts a strong emphasis on the dissemination of knowledge and exchange of experience among social partners from partner countries. After the research phase, numerous activities will be conducted to increase their awareness in relation to the studied area. They will include, among others:
• a study visit in an ‘old’ EU country in order to get acquainted with the examined solutions where they have been successfully operating for a long time,
• trainings regarding the EWC, in which eighty representatives of social partners will participate,
• publication of a guide addressed to employees in each country where the project will be conducted,
• public discussions, conferences, publications on the internet.
Project duration : March 2020 – November 2021
Organisations participating in the project:
• Institute for Public Policy (IPP) (Romania) – Leader
• Institute for Public Affairs (IPA) (Poland)
• Centre for Economic Development (CED) (Bulgaria)
• Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) (Croatia)
• Centre for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) (North Macedonia)
The project is co-financed from the European Union Funds, budget heading ‘Improving Expertise in the field of Industrial Relations’.