The project "Don't GIG Up. Never!" is a continuation of the 2018-2020 project "Don't GIG Up!". Its aim is to further increase the knowledge on digital platforms operating in the labour market and on their practices as employers (i.e. paid workproviders/intermediaries). It also intends to improve the awareness on how industrial relations and policy makers can adequately address the issue of better protecting the rights of platform workers, especially in those sectors of the platform economy that have so far remained on the margins of public debate.
Therefore then platforms operating in the transport and courier industry, which have already been the subject of many studies, will be skipped, while the attention will be directed to other sectors, e.g. cleaning, care services, repairs - provided in a specific location; micro-tasks; or jobs requiring higher qualifications.
The project includes research activities to be carried out by project partners in Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden and coordinated by the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation. Swedish
The first project task will be to obtain the updated knowledge on the functioning of digital platforms in the labour market, in particular, a review will be carried out of the legal environment (including the process of transposition of the Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions), of available studies on the platform economy, and also of case law and decisions/by-laws issued by the relevant authorities, such as labour inspectorates, ministries of labour, social security institutions, data protection authorities.
During the second phase, the project partners will screen active platforms for information relevant to the project goals. The knowledge gathered will be used to select case studies to be carried out in each country. In addition, trade union initiatives targeting workers on the selected or similar platforms will be examined.
In the final phase, the findings and conclusions of the research will be summarized in a final report, which will include the features of work platforms, existing and possible public policy solutions, existing and possible strategies of social partners and trade unions. A separate report will present a generalized model of "Terms of Service" annotated for national specificities, applicable in different legal contexts, as a useful framework for platforms that want to provide their services in different countries in a legal manner.
The project will be accompanied by dissemination activities. Its results will be presented and discussed during the final conference.
Project partners:
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (leader)
Institute de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (FR)
Institute of Public Affairs (PL)
University of Tartu (EE)
Union General de Trabajadores de ES (ES)
Unione Italiana del Lavoro (IT)
Associated partners:
European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC,
Confederation General du Travail- Force Ouvriere-FO (FR)
NSZZ “Solidarność” (PL)
Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft- Ver.di Unionen (DE).
Duration: September 2021 — August 2023
The project is co-financed by the European Union.