The purpose of the action is to ‘improve expertise and knowledge on the role unions and social dialogue can play with regards to protection of gig workers’.
In particular, the Don’t Gig Up! project will address the following objectives:
- To identify policy options ensuring social protection of gig workers, in terms of insurance against accidents at work, illness, pensions, unemployment risk and coverage of other social benefits;
- To identify policy options to guarantee the adequate enjoyment of labour rights by gig workers, including clauses and provisions possibly set by collective agreements;
- To support unions to put in place effective strategies to organise and represent gig workers;
- To identify pathways for exploiting the potential positive effects of gig economy and platform-based work, like the potential to bring back ‘gigs’ traditionally performed in the undeclared economy within the reach of employment and fiscal rules.
The research, led by Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, will be complemented with country-specific information implemented by each partners in the relevant country, namely France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain. In addition, it envisages the cooperation of the following associate partners: European Trade Union Confederation-ETUC, Confederation General du Travail- Force Ouvriere-FO (FR), Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarnosc" (PL), Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft- Ver.di Unionen (DE).
Project duration: February 2018 — January 2020
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - coordinator
Institute of Public Affairs (PL)
Istituto delle ricerche economiche e sociali - IRES (FR)
UGT Unión General de Trabajadores (ES)
Co-funding: European Commission -DG Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion