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Presentation of the report ‘EEAS and national diplomacies

European External Action Service is rather a secretariat of EU’s foreign policy, than its leader. It is one of the conclusions of the report by European Policy Centre and Finish Institute of International Affairs, that was presented in IPA in Tuesdays by Kristi Raik i Grzegorz Gromadzki.
The authors stressed that the European diplomacy, established three years ago, struggles with the lack of trust from European capitals. Diplomats of the member states complain, on the other hand, that the EEAS does not coordinate its activities with them. It lacks initiative and strategic approach, therefore the EU’s foreign policy is mostly created by the group of the largest member states, complain smaller ones.
At the same time, “geopolitical changes in the world, the rise of the new powers or the change in foreign policy priorities of the United States mean that common European foreign policy is now needed more than ever”, says Kristi Raik, co-editor of the report. In the times of economic crisis and reducing expenditures also by ministries of foreign affairs, common European diplomacy gives an opportunity for rationalization of resources. In third countries, where particular member state do not have their embassies, it counts on the support from EU delegations.

Polish diplomats have generally positive approach and assessment of the EEAS activities and cooperation with Catharine Ashton’s services. “Poland needs European diplomacy to achieve its goals, especially in the East”, explains Grzegorz Gromadzki, author of the Polish chapter.

The seminar in IPA gathered experts and diplomats. After the presentations they discussed on the candidateship of Radosław Sikorski for Ashton’s successor, possibilities of establishing foreign policy of Eurozone as well as consular and visa role of the EEAS. As regards the last issue, the experts emphasized, that, although expectations are high, there are currently no plans for the European diplomacy to take over tasks of member states’ consulates.

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