Presentation of the Polish-German Barometer 2019: Common course, different perspectives. Polish and German views on the mutual relations and the world order

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Presentation of the Polish-German Barometer 2019: Common course, different perspectives. Polish and German views on the mutual relations and the world order

On the 28th of May, the latest research project out of the series ‘Polish-German barometer’ has been presented in Warsaw. The presentation of the German version of the publication will take place on the 20th of June in the Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung in Berlin.

The outcomes of the ‘Barometer 2019’ point out, that Poles and Germans can see the impact of the second world war on their mutual relations, however, Germans recognize it more seldom. Both societies differ significantly in the assessment of the United States and its president, according to the latest public opinion survey from the “Polish – German Barometer” series of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation (FWPN/SDPZ). In this edition it was also asked about the assessment of the round anniversaries of the outbreak of the second world war, Poland’s accession to NATO and EU and the democratic transformation.

The survey has been conducted using the method of direct interviews in respondents’ homes – in Poland on a representative sample of one thousand adult residents aged fifteen or more by KANTAR PUBLIC between 8–13 March 2019, in Germany – on a representative sample of one thousand residents aged fourteen or more by IPSOS between 4–10 March 2019.

Read more about the full outcomes of the research:

Agnieszka Łada, Wspólny kierunek, różne perspektywy. Polskie i niemieckie spojrzenia na wzajemne relacje, Europę oraz porządek światowy. Barometr Polska-Niemcy 2019 (pl) 
Agnieszka Łada, Gemeinsame Richtung, verschiedene Perspektiven. Deutsche und polnische Ansichten zu gegenseitigen, europäischen und globalen Beziehungen. Deutsch-Polnisches Barometer 2019 (de) 
Watch also the online streaming of the presentation, which in the next days will be released on our YouTube channel of the IPA:
If you want to register for the event in Berlin, please use the following link:
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