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How Russians perceive Poland? IPA’s research results described in the article written by Agnieszka Łada and Cornelius Ochmann

EURO 2012: A Chance for Poles and Russians
It is impossible to predict which football-teams will play the final of the EURO 2012. However, the political final surely is the match Poland vs. Russia. It takes place on June 12th, a Russian national holiday, - in the Polish National Stadium in Warsaw.

With what image of Poland do the numerous Russian fans – 50,000 are expected to come – arrive in Warsaw to support their „Sborna“? The newest IPA’s research results show what kind of image of Poland have Russian people and how do they asses the Polish-Russian relations

Read more in German:
More research results described here: /pl/aktualnosci/wyniki-badan-sondazowych-na-zachodzie-lepiej-niz-u-nas-w-rosji-rosjanie-o-rosji-polsce-i-niemczech-dostepne-na-stronie-isp

Read also:
Russia on the crossroad - new article from Agnieszka Łada and Cornelius Ochmann
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