Green Transformation - Challenges and Opportunities: European Workshops

Instytut Spraw Publicznych

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Green Transformation - Challenges and Opportunities: European Workshops

The European climate policy poses challenges to different sectors of economy, with important implications for workers, employers and citizens. To strengthen the skills of social partners as active and informed actors in the process of the green transition the Institute of Public Affairs conducted a series of training workshops.

The participants were trade union and employer representatives from three sectors: energy, industry, and transport, coming from eight countries: Malta, Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Serbia, North Macedonia, Slovakia, and Latvia. They actively engaged in facilitated discussions, sharing their insights and experiences on the challenges and opportunities posed by the green transition within their respective industries. 

Here are the highlights of the meetings:

October 09-10, 2024 (held in Kraków). The workshop focused on the European Green Deal and its key assumptions, the twin transition concept, and the role of social dialogue in ensuring a Just Transition. The participants discussed the importance of worker information and consultation, expressed their opinions on the Green Deal and its implications for various sectors. Collaborative group work focused on identifying the biggest challenges in implementing Just Transition strategies.  

October 28-29, 2024 (on-line). Participants of this on-line meeting analyzed European surveys on the Green Deal, mapped examples of negotiations, and discussed new approaches for social partner actions. Special attention was given to the Antwerp Declaration, highlighting the need for an “Industrial Deal” to support European competitiveness in the green transition. 
 November 4-5, 2024 (on-line). This workshop focused on anticipated changes in the transport sector by 2050 and the skills needed for the transition. Scenarios for sustainable energy and the circular economy were explored, with an analysis of emerging professions and the role of digital social dialogue. 
The series was organised as part of the GREENET project co-financed by the European Union. 

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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