The Russian aggression against Ukraine forced millions of Ukrainian citizens to leave their country, including members of think tank community, academics and public intellectuals. Some of them came to Poland, looking for shelter, but also for an opportunity to continue to engage in support of Ukraine’s independence and pro-Western and pro-European choice.
In order to express our solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues, we decided to establish the Solidarity Fellowship at the Institute of Public Affairs.
The first fellowship within our program will be funded by US-based East-West Management Institute. We are hoping to raise further funds to be able to support more Ukrainian experts residing in Poland.
What we offer?
- The fellowship will be awarded for 3 months, starting in June.
- The fellowship of 3000 US$ for three months plus accommodation allowance in the amount of 2400 US$.
- Opportunity for professional engagement with a dynamic team of IPA experts in European and international politics, social and labour policy, migration, climate and sustainable development, gender equality and civil society.
- Office space with her/his own desk, access to internet, and IPA’s administrative support. IPA will also provide assistance in terms of peer reviewing, editing, and typesetting the papers to be published by the fellow
Please note that this is an in-person fellowship and the selected fellow will be expected to spend at least two days a week at the IPA’s office in central Warsaw.
Who can apply?
- Policy analysts, think tank experts, journalists with professional track record on Ukraine’s relationships with the EU and NATO, migration policy or other policy areas withing IPA’s scope of research and expertise
- Persons who have arrived to Poland due to Russia’s aggression on Ukraine after February 24, 2022
- Language knowledge: English professional, Polish communicative
How to apply?
If you are interested in the fellowship program, please send an e-mail to Małgorzata Kopka-Piątek with your CV, motivation letter with ideas for the research and examples of previous publications. Please send your applications by 10 of June.
If you wish to contribute to the Solidarity Fellowship Fund, please contact us any time. It is important that we continue to support Ukrainian expert community and create opportunities for their engagement with European and American experts and public opinion.