January 16 11:00

Polish Members at the European Parliament’s mid-term of office – how do they present themselves at European meetings? How do they present themselves on the internet?

The Institute of Public Affairs, ul. Szpitalna 5/22

Beginners or political professionals? Effective, influential, or outsiders, who do not know how to use their posts to act effectively? Active in Strasburg and Brussels or involved in political games in their home country? Visible on the European Parliament’s forum or staying in the shadow of European politics? In the mainstream of political groups or in the opposition? Eurosceptics or euroenthusiasts? Effectively using new technologies to communicate with citizens, or avoiding the use of the internet as a communication tool?
The Institute of Public Affairs examined for the third time the activity of the Polish Members of the European Parliament. This time, we evaluated their work in the mid-term of the Parliament’s current term of office – on Tuesday, Jerzy Buzek will transfer his powers as the president of the European Parliament to the socialist Martin Schulz.

In our analysis we will try to answer the question whether Polish Members of the European Parliament are able to act effectively at European meetings.

During the presentation, we will cover among others, the following subjects:

  • To what extent Polish Members participate in the work of the European Parliament?
  • Are they seen more often in the meeting hall of the Parliament or on press conferences in Poland?
  • What are the topics on which they prefer to work?
  • What do they influence, where their role is marginal?

For the first time, we will tell about the activity of the Members of the European Parliament on the internet. We will examine, whether Members of the Parliament know how to effectively use new technologies of communication with citizens. Whether Polish or European subjects are mainly present on their websites. How do they use interactive tools of communication – in a dialogue with citizens, or in a monologue?

You will learn during the presentation:

  • How many of the fifty Polish Members of the Parliament have their own websites?
  • Who tweets regularly?
  • What percent of the Members of the Parliament has a Facebook page?
  • How many respond to emails from citizens?


11.00 – The Beginning of the Presentation

11.05 – I Presentation – dr. Melchior Szczepanik “Polish people in the European Parliament – Summary in the Mid-Term of the 7th Term of Office”

11.20 – II Presentation - dr. Agnieszka Łada, Małgorzata Fałkowska – Warska „Usage of interactive commmunication tools to dialogue with citizen"

11.35 – questions and answers

Please register before the 13th of January

Information concerning the event is given by:
Łukasz Wenerski, tel 22 556 42 68
Language of the presentation - Polish
Translation will not be provided  

Project in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Poland 

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