The European Parliament is going to discuss the change in electoral system in June. Does the reform of the electoral law proposed by Andrew Duff give a chance to stop the decline of turnout at European Parliament elections, noticed in most EU member states? Does the reform bring an increased engagement in European affairs? Does introduction of the EU-wide electoral list, running alongside national lists givea chance to stimulate interest in the elections among EU citizens? The aforementioned issues are going to be discussed during the debate. The discussion will concentrate onthe following questions:
Debate programme: 14.00 – 14.10 OPENING Jacek Safuta Director of the European Parliament InformationOffice in Poland 14.10 – 14.40 PRESENTATION Andrew Duff Member of the European Parliament, theauthor of the electoralsystem reform project 14.40 – 16.00 DISCUSSION Andrew Duff Member of the European Parliament Paweł Kowal Member of the European Parliament Rafał Trzaskowski Member of the European Parliament Moderation: Agnieszka Łada Head of the European Programme,Institute of Public Affairs Organisers provide Polish-English simultaneous translation Information about the event: Aleksander Fuksiewicz, Institute of Public Affairs,+48 22 556 42 68, |

May 26 14:00
Changing the European Parliament electoral system as an opportunity to increase voter turnout?
European Parliament Information Office in Poland 14/16a Jasna St., Warsaw