A lawyer and sociologist after studies at University of Warsaw, he has also graduated from European Master’s Degree Program in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) in Venice. Currently he is finishing his doctoral thesis at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Policy Analyst and Project Manager in the Civil Society and Democracy Program of the Institute of Public Affairs in Poland, where he works on civil society, civic education, public participation, quality of democracy and social enterprises development, being an author of numerous researches, expert opinions and publications on these subjects. He monitored the transparency of financing of the election campaign before Polish local elections in 2014. Co-author of the Long-term policy on volunteering development in Poland prepared within Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Since 2003 he is active in civil society building, as well as promotion of human rights and democratic standards while cooperating with several different NGOs in Poland and abroad. He is also one of the co-founders and since 2009 a president of the Association for the Podlasie Land DRUMLA.
F. Pazderski (2018), CSOs Sustainability Index in Poland in 2017, in: 2017 Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, USAID
F. Pazderski, O. Gyárfášova, P. Krekó, C. Molnár, V. Wessenauer (2018), Central Europe – Youth, Politics, Democracy. Public opinion research in Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, National Democratic Institute (NDI)
F. Pazderski, P. Krekó, C. Molnár, A. Juhász, J. Kucharczyk (2018), Beyond Populism. Tribalism in Poland and Hungary, Political Capital, Budapest
F. Pazderski, H. Penno Hartlová, Z. Bútorová, V. Wessenauer (2018), Citizenship empowerment: potential for civic participation in the Visegrad countries, 2017 & 2018, STEM/IVO/Political Capital/IPA
F. Pazderski (2018), The Middle Class in Poland, in: Arjen Siegmann & Matthias Schäfer (eds.), No Robots: The Position of Middle Class Households in Nine European Countries, CDA-WI / Wilfried Martens Centre, http://www.no-robots.eu/
F. Pazderski (2017), Poland: Expecting Negative Trends, in: 2016 Report on the State of Civil Society in the EU and Russia, ed. Elena Belokurova, EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, Berlin
F. Pazderski (2017), CSOs Sustainability Index in Poland in 2016, in: 2016 Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, USAID, https://www.usaid.gov/europe-eurasia-civil-society
F. Pazderski (2017), Innovative social investments - in search of effective answers to the challenges of our time [Innowacyjne inwestycje społeczne - w poszukiwaniu efektywnych odpowiedzi na wyzwania naszych czasów], IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, B. Walczak, M. Jewdokimow (2016), Practices of participation in culture of the rural areas inhabitants. Sociological study, IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski (2016), Why non-governmental organisations matter?, „Instytutu Idei” 9 / winter 2016, p. 30-37
F. Pazderski (with P. Sobiesiak-Penszko, 2016), Money and politics at the local level. A report from the monitoring of the financing of the local election campaign 2014, IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, B. Walczak (2015), Social activists, professional workers or civic malcontents? Formal and informal social activity of Poles in the light of nationwide surveys, [in:] “Polish social landscape – 2014”, (eds.) G. Chimiak, K. Iwińska, Collegium Civitas, CAL, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, A. Kobylińska, L. Petrakova, (ed., 2015) How to effectively prevent corruption? Overview of European solutions regarding conflicts of interest, political financing and access to public information, IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski (2015), State, private or social - sources of financing of political activities in Europe [Państwowe, prywatne lub obywatelskie - źródła finansowania działalności politycznej w Europie], Instytut Obywatelski, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, E. Bacia, S. Żmijewska-Kwiręg (2015), Citizenship education in Poland. Analysis of the current situation, identified needs, opportunities and barriers to development. Research report, CEO, Warszawa, http://www.engage-edc.eu/download/6_ENGAGE_Poland.pdf
F. Pazderski, E. Bacia, G. Makowski, B. Walczak (2015), Developing social and civic competences within the framework of the NGOs in Poland. A research report for the Institute of Educational Research, IBE, Warszawa
F. Pazderski (ed.) (2014), Financing of local election campaigns in Poland and Germany, IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, S. Marzluff (eds.), (2014), Volunteering abroad in Poland and Germany and their implications on attitudes towards the neighbouring country and its effects on images about Europe, Freiburg-Warsaw: Centre for Developments in Civil Society (zze) / Instytut of Public Affairs, 2014
F. Pazderski, S. Marzluff, S. Kakuie (2014), Volunteering abroad in Poland and Germany, its implications on attitudes towards the respective neighbouring country, and its effects on images of Europe, “Analyses & Opinions” No. 142, 02.2014, IPA, Warszawa
F. Pazderski (2013), Legislative solutions in selected European countries in the field of voluntary work in the area of economic activity and the possibility of application similar solutions in Poland, an analysis contracted by the Chancellery of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Warszawa
F. Pazderski, P. Sobiesiak-Penszko, Volunteering of the mature people in Poland, a report for the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, MPiPS, Warszawa 2012
F. Pazderski (ed.) (2012), Civic Inspirer 2.0: Skill-based corporate volunteering using the Internet [„Inspirator obywatelski 2.0, czyli pracowniczy wolontariat kompetencji z wykorzystaniem Internetu”], IPA, Warszawa, www.isp.org.pl/inspirator
F. Pazderski (with J. Kucharczyk, A. Łada, 2011), European Partnership for Volunteering – an opportunity for the Polish EU-Council Presidency?, IPA, Warsaw 2011 (PL, ENG)
F. Pazderski (2011), Socially rooted skill-based corporate volunteering - how to increase the scope of the social impact of companies in Poland with the use of online tools, [in:] „Trzeci Sektor”, nr 25/2011
F. Pazderski, G. Makowski (eds.) (2011), The Civic Inspirer. A guide to informal civic education at (and not only) public libraries, IPA, Warsaw, www.bpb.de/system/files/pdf/VMI8I9.pdf
F. Pazderski (with J. Kucharczyk, A. Łada (2011), “European Partnership for Volunteering” – an opportunity for the Polish EU-Council Presidency, “Analyses & Opinions” No. 17/121, IPA, Warsaw