kwiecień 26 13:30

Uciec od ucieczki. Perspektywa krajów tranzytu i pochodzenia uchodźców

Przedstawicielstwo Komisji Europejskiej w Polsce Centrum Jasna, ul. Jasna 14/16a, Warszawa
Obszar tematyczny:
migracje, uchodźcy


W roku 2016 w Unii Europejskiej zostało zarejestrowanych po raz pierwszy około miliona azylantów - podobnie rok wcześniej. Ilu przyjedzie w 2017 roku? Co możemy oczekiwać w Europie w związku z trwającymi wojnami i konfliktami, które wypychają ludzi z naszego sąsiedztwa na europejskie brzegi? Jaka sytuacja panuje w krajach pochodzenia i krajach tranzytowych uchodźców i migrantów – państwach najbardziej dotkniętych konfliktami zbrojnymi i niestabilnością polityczną? Jak można poprawić życie uchodźców i migrantów oraz społeczności przyjmujących?  Między innymi te pytania zostaną omówione przez ekspertów z Afganistanu, Macedonii, Libii, Nigerii, Sudanu i Polski.

Podczas wydarzenia zostanie zaprezentowana nowa publikacja Fundacji Bertelsmanna „Esceping the Escape – Toward solutions for the humanitarian migration crisis’ https://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/en/publications/publication/did/escaping-the-escape/

Prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa do 25 kwietnia poprzez rejestrację online


13.30 – 14.00            Rejestracja
14:00 – 14:15            Otwarcie
Marek Prawda,  Dyrektor Przedstawicielstwa Komisji Europejskiej w Polsce
Jacek Kucharczyk, Prezes Instytutu Spraw Publicznych
Gabriele Schöler, Senior Project Manager Fundacji Bertelsmanna

14:15 – 14:30            Wprowadzenie
Christian-Peter Hanelt, Senior Expert, Fundacja Bertelsmanna
14.30 – 15.45            Dyskusja ekspercka
Mariam Safi, Afganistan, dyrektor założycielski Organization for Policy Research and Development Studies (DROPS)
Zakariya El Zaidy, Libia, lider zespołu w Danish Refugee Council w Libii
J. Shola Omotola, Nigeria, profesor na Political Science at the Federal University Oye Ekiti w Nigerii
Dane Taleski, Macedonia, profesor na South East European University w Tetovo/Skopje
Marta Szczepanik, Polska, ekspertHelsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka
Gabriele Schöler,Senior Project Manager FundacjiBertelsmanna
Organizatorzy zapewniają symultaniczne tłumaczenie polsko-angielskie

Naszymi goścmi będą:

Jeremiah Shola Omotola, Nigeria, professor of Political Science at the Federal University Oye Ekiti in Nigeria;
Shola Omotola was a senior lecturer in the department of political science, Redeemer’s University, Ede, Nigeria, before he moved to his current post at the Federal University.
He obtained his PhD in comparative African politics and governance from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His fields of interest include comparative African governance institutions, democratization and election studies, legislative studies, oil and environmental politics in the Niger Delta, conflict and peacebuilding.

Mariam Safi, Afghanistan, founding director of the Organization for Policy Research and Development Studies (DROPS);
Drops is a leading local think-tank in Afghanistan committed to strengthening democratic ideas and values through its policy-oriented research, training and advocacy programs. They aim to provide policymakers with sound alternative solutions to national issues and creates a platform to increase women’s voices in policy discourse. Mariam was honored by the Diplomatic Courier as one of their Top Global Women in 2014 for her contribution to the research community in Afghanistan. She is a member of the Afghanistan Policy Group, a Near East South Asia Center alumni, and a local peace-building expert for Peace Direct.
She has an MA in International Peace Studies from the United Nations-mandated University for Peace, San José, Costa Rica. Her fields of interest include peace-building, human security, and countering violent extremism offering a grassroots and gender perspective on issues effecting Afghanistan and the South Asian region.

Dane Taleski, Republic of Macedonia, adjunct professor at the South East European University in Tetovo/Skopje
Until recently, he was a visiting fellow, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University in Graz, and a Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies of Southeastern Europe, University in Rijeka, Croatia. In 2014, he received a Civil Society Scholar Award from the Open Society Institute in New York.He received his PhD in political science from the Central European University in Budapest. Fields of interest: post-conflict democratization, transformation of rebel groups, political parties and ethnic politics, regional cooperation, EU integration and Southeast Europe.

Zakariya El Zaidy, Libya, protection team leader for the Danish Refugee Council in Libya;
Zakariya is one of the founding members and former chief operations officer of Mercy Wings Organization, a Libyan NGO established for the purpose of fighting human trafficking. His main focus lies on the fast-paced changing situation of mixed migration in Libya. Together with practitioners and experts in the field of mixed migration, humanitarian relief and aid, Zakariya has participated in various seminars and workshops on migration, counter trafficking, and protection on a local and international level. He is certified in leadership, organizational management and social entrepreneurship. He has been working as web and graphic designer. Currently, Zakariya manages a personal blog in Arabic focusing on mixed migration in Libya.
He holds a bachelor degree in geology engineering and petro-physical studies from Tripoli University.
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